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Fronz Speaks Out via TheSickestCo, “If you hurt our fans, We’re going to hurt you”

Fronz of Attila Speaks out on the Milwaukee Fight involving the band, venue security abusing their power and getting violent with Attila’s fans, and aggressively pulling their guitarist Chris Linck from the stage into the space between the barricade and stage.

Read Fronz’ Statement to TheSickestCo below:

“I don’t condone violence or think it’s necessary in most scenarios but last night got way out of hand. I’ve seen it happen way too many times where security gets overly aggro and abuses their power. Your job is to keep fans safe and keep the band safe and a lot of you security guards just have no clue about the nature of a metal show. Kids are gonna crowd surf. Kids are gonna stage dive. That’s what this music is all about. When I clearly TOLD kids to crowd surf, you don’t fucking hurt them. You don’t punch them in the head. That shit makes me sick to my stomach. Your job as security isn’t an excuse to be violent towards music fans. If you hurt our fans, we are going to hurt you. Plain and simple. Our fans came to have a good experience and we will ALWAYS have their back. We will FIGHT on behalf of our fans if that’s what it takes. Sorry to everyone that had to see shit get violent and sorry we had to cut the show short, but that just doesn’t fly with us. ” – Fronzilla of Attila

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