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ATTILA Show Breaks Out Into Brawl in Milwaukee

After ATTILA completed playing their rock show in Milwaukee, WI the crowd demanded for one more song, the band then reentered the stage to play the encore “Proving Grounds.” Fronz then commanded the crowd to “get fucking crazy and start crowdsurfing their way to the front” as this was their last chance to do so tonight. As fans began crowdsurfing their way to the front, about halfway through the song security starting getting very violent with Attila’s fans and began to punch them in the head, etc. Security was punching someone violently in the head in the front row during “Proving Grounds,” So Chris Linck their guitarist went and kicked him in the back to get the security guard to stop punching him and violently hurting their fans. The security guard then turned around and pulled Linck off the stage straight into the section between barricade and stage then the rest of the band got involved and it turned into a full on brawl with security guards which caused the set to end abruptly.

Watch TheSickestCo's Video below:

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