The Relapse Symphony's now ex-Drummer Alex Foxx speaks out on departure from band

"Some of you, no doubt have hear rumors about me no longer playing in the band I helped create, The Relapse Symphony. I know a lot of you will be saddened to hear this, but I will be honest in telling you, that I am completely shattered myself. Heart broken for lack of a better word. I am not here to bash the other members of the band, so I will only state FACTS, and provide a little proof (mainly screen shots of texts between myself and the band) I've already heard some rumors that are severely false that the remaining 3 members of The Relapse Symphony have started. Now to the truth: First, I have been the only member in TRS to pay for anything and everything band related since the band started. over the years I have gone thousands of dollars into debt over it. I was the only member in TRS who does not currently live at home with his parents, and I was the only member who had a full time day job. That was a part of my downfall. Because I have a job I started to be used. I was blinded by the idea that Bret, JC, and Ray were my brothers and friends. But in reality they were using me for my money to keep the band going and touring. I have not made a single profit from my hard earned work to this date. Instead, about two months ago, after years of putting myself into deb I simply could not afford it anymore. I went to the other members and asked not for the money they owed me immediately, but instead for a mere $14 a month per band member to help cover a few small recurring expenses. Once I did that, behind my back Bret, JC, and Ray decided to secretly start looking for a new drummer to replace me, as without my money, they found me to be useless and unneeded. This past Saturday after band reversals the remaining members were very distant, they huddled in the corner of the room and were talking. They were not aware that I was standing behind some speakers, assembling some new drum gear. I over heard Bret and JC talking. Bret mentioned how he hoped I would quit, JC responded with he hopes I wouldn't quit until after Warped Tour, as they needed my money to get thru the tour. That they needed me but once we returned they were going to fire me. At that moment I saw my dreams fade away, my years of hard work and dedication, all crumbling away and leaving me with nothing. Nothing but debt. When I left I heard from a reliable source who is close with the members of TRS that they have been looking to replace me for two months. This hurt even more. I wanted nothing more than to go to Warped Tour and celebrate with our friends and fans, to preform for you and give you my all. When I got home I collected my thoughts and sent a group text to Bret, JC, and Ray telling them that I overheard them. I told them that if they were really planning on doing this that they needed to pay me for the money they owed me. (I will attach screenshots) I was hoping to God that after receiving my text one of them would tell me that I heard wrong. That they loved me and didn't want me gone. But that hope was not what happened in reality. The only thing that was said in return was JCs reply "ok my mom will give you money tomorrow" since then my life has taken a downward spiral. These guys who I thought were friends have started to spread rumors and try and destroy my name, my career and my life. One recent accusation is that I am on drugs. I don't do any drugs, ever. But the band wants to paint me to look like the bad guy so people hate me and they are not held accountable for their actions and admitting how they used me. JC even posted about it passive aggressively on all of his social media today, he makes up lies while spreading these same lies to my family, who now won't speak to me. My dad and sister were all I had left of my immediate family as my mom passed away a couple years ago. TRS took my dream away. They took away my career and my family. They put me into debt so much that now I can not even afford the wedding I was trying to plan with my fiancé. They took it all away. The only thing I hope they don't take is the love and support from all of you. I am sorry that it all went this way, trust me. It was a life long dream to play Warped Tour and a week before we were scheduled to leave, this happens. It was my dream to bring joy to you guys with the music we created together. I am heartbroken more than words can ever explain. This won't be the last of me, I will come back even better than before. This time I won't be naive to the negative and horrible people who could possibly use me for my generosity and loving heart. I hope you all still keep in contact, I love each and every one of you. You are all my family, and I hope to show you that you haven't seen the last of me. I will post separately some of the screenshots proving the truth on what really happened as I just cant believe some of the lies that are circulating. Please check my next photo post. " -Alex Foxx (Statement from Alex's Facebook Page)