Shane Told of Silverstein talks I Am Alive In Everything I Touch and Vans Warped Tour 2015
You’re soon to be out on the 2015 Van’s Warped Tour, What are you most looking forward to on Warped Tour and what stage can fans find you on this summer?
We'll be very at home on the Monster stage. 2 years ago that's where we were anchored and it's the same crew this year. We couldn't be more stoked to hang out with all those people and of course all of the other bands we are so close with. But, check the schedule because we will be doing main stage some days too. We could be anywhere and anytime. Every band is the same way so come early and stay on your toes.
Silverstein fans want to know, What will you setlist this summer contain?
We're one of the few bands that actually changes up our setlist from day to day. It's mostly just because we would get so fucking bored playing the same 8 songs everyday, but also we have so many songs and people come to multiple shows, and also I love when people read a set list online then come to the show and it's completely different.
You recently released your new album, I Am Alive In Everything I Touch. What inspired the name of this album?
It's taken from a Timothy Findley novel. We thought it summed up the concept nicely and then when I Googled him and he was born in Toronto it just seemed way too perfect not to use it.
What inspired the album artwork on I Am Alive In Everything I Touch?
All the full length records have all been the same. Same artist Martin Wittfooth. I literally send him lyrics, ideas, or we have a conversation, and he just nails it. He was able to portray the perfect vibe or loneliness and isolation. He's just Amazing.
You released 3 singles before officially dropping the album, What made you choose “A Midwestern State Of Emergency”, “Milestone”, & “Face Of The Earth" as the first three songs to drop off the album, Do You feel these are the best showcase for the new album?
I'd say if you take all 3 it shows a lot of the different vibes on the record, but there was a lot of debate on which songs to release. I think it's good when that happens because it means all the songs are good. If there's ever a really obvious song that should be released as a lead track or single, sometimes it's because it's the only good song on the album. So it's a good problem for us.
How long did it take to write, produce and record this album and what producer did you record with?
Jordan Valeriote is the producer of the album. He's done everything we've recorded since 2010, and he is just incredible too. Such a hard worker and so gifted in knowing what is right and what isn't right in a recording/song/sound. We wrote it last summer. Spent around 2 months recording it.
Is there an overall theme to this album lyrically or is it just lyrics written overtime that all have their own unique meaning?
Definitely a theme tying it all together. But that's all you'll get from me. You gotta listen and pick out that stuff yourself.
What 2 songs off I Am Alive In Everything I Touch, would you say mean the most to you and what do they mean?
Toronto (unabridged) and Continual Condition. Both musically were important songs for me writing wise, and lyrically I think they pulled some of the darkest truth out of me. And even though they were hard to write, I'm glad I got through it and was able to complete them.
What has been the fans reaction to this new album and is it better then you would have expected the reaction to be?
Well whatever I think people are going to think I'm usually wrong. I thought people were gonna hate TIHTWS, and I was completely wrong. This album I was pretty stoked on it, so I was worried, but turns out people are really latching on to this. Maybe even more than the last one.
Silverstein now on their 15 year anniversary together as a band, which is incredible and very exciting! When did Silverstein feel they have finally made it as a band? (like that moment that you or the full band said holy shit i cannot believe this is happening)
"Making it" is such a fallacy. Because I felt like we "made it" when we played our first show, and when we got our first Van, and pressed our first indie CD, etc etc. But there's always that next level everyone strives for. The best example is Dave Mustaine from Megadeth. Even though his band has sold like 30 million albums, he will always feel like he never "made it" because they were never as big as (his old band) Metallica.
How do you feel Silverstein has evolved as a band since the release of When Broken Is Easily Fixed?
We actually know how to write songs and I can sort of sing now.
How do you hope that your music impacts your fans?
I think we just want people to take away something positive. Whether it's the smallest thing or a huge life changing thing, as long as it points that direction, towards good, then it's great. Some people think it doesn't make sense because some stuff is so dark, but sometimes it's the dark that makes you see the light. So even the most depressing and gut wrenching song can actually be the most uplifting.
If you had to choose 1 song off of any of Silverstein’s discography to debut your music to a new fan that has never heard of or listened to Silverstein before. What song would you choose and why?
I'd go with Place of Solace just to freak them out.
What can fans expect from Silverstein this year other then Warped Tour and your new album that just dropped?
More touring all over the world and more videos too. Also working on some other cool stuff interacting with our fans. We don't take breaks so be prepared to see a lot of us.
Anything you wish to say to your current or future fans and where can they find Silverstein online? or @silverstein on most social media. To our future fans: thank you buying everything we've put out and coming to every show ever. And for buying us beer. That's very nice of you!
Thank you for taking the time to sit down and answer these questions for us, we really do appreciate it!