In Flames carried out business as usual at Starland Ballroom

Starland Ballroom is never short on having good rock shows come to it's venue. On this particular weekday, you had a good mix of styles. Periphery and In Flames have both carved out their own respective paths in their own right and both took the stage like battle tested veterans. Unfortunately, All That Remains who were on the bill as well had to cancel due to a medical emergency, but both bands gave the crowd a well versed show.

Djent laced Periphery began the night with many fans sporting their "Got Djent?" shirts throughout the mosh pits. Being a fan of Meshuggah, I'm well versed in the downtuned, djent signatures, so finally seeing Periphery live was a treat. They kicked off the night with "Icarus Lives!" a song off of their 2011 self-titled LP to the mix of lights that went off and off to set the mood. The majority of the material came from their acclaimed double album, Juggernaut Alpha & Omega. There were a few fans in the crowd that sung along to "Alpha" and "22 Faces". All around solid set.

In Flames is a veteran band that knows how to have fun and truly enjoy what they do. It is the 15th year that the band has been around. Lead singer Anders Friden started off joking with the crowd about putting their phones away and then recanted and told them " do whatever you want, have fun!" From there, the band played to dark lighting which included a blue and red mix permeated with smoke. As the band broke into "Embody The Invisible", song from 1999's Colony, the crowd surfing started. However, the band wanted better, "how many of you can join me up here"?, Friden beckoned as the craziness began. The setlist was a good mix of older material like 2000's Clayman and "Bulletride", to fan favorites like "The Mirror's Truth" and "Take This Life". There was a good mix of younger and older fans and as a band, that's exactly what you want to see. As they had fun and played an entertaining show the the Starland Ballroom crowd, one could guess that this band will be around for another 15 years.
Photos & Review By: Murjani Rawls Photography