All Time Low's Hits Their First Ever Number One Album in The UK, Future Hearts
Photo Credit: Matt Christine Photography
Congratulations to All Time Low, who have just scored their first-ever number one album in the UK, with Future Hearts.
The Official Charts have revealed that our favorite Baltimore 4-piece Pop-Punk band hit over 19,400 chart sales this week with their 4K-rated sixth studio effort – just ahead of closest rival James Bay. Huge congratulations to you guys!
The band said: “This is a huge surprise! We didn’t expect this kind of reaction to the album and we couldn’t be happier. After so many years together, we never want to let our fans down, and this feels like a massive achievement on their part as much as ours.”
You can catch All Time Low on their upcoming Headline Tour in the USA #FUTUREHEARTSTOUR! Tour dates below...