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Bring Me The Horizon - Drown (Song Review)

"Drown", the first single after their acclaimed album, Sempiternal will be officially released on December 9th. If you look throughout the discography of Bring Me The Horizon, you almost saw this transformation coming. It took me a few listens to fully get into the track, but I had to understand that the band who made the vitriolic Count Your Blessings was gone. Oli Sykes has became more comfortable with his clean vocals and it’s actually kind of refreshing. There's substance here from young boys proclaiming they hated everyone, to men who are seeking a more structured song foundation.

Rating 3.5-5: I've seen an uprising from fans about the “new” direction and if you listened to Sempiternal, the band pushed for a broader sound to encompass where they were going and not where they've been. I can actually see this being a big radio hit. Do I miss the old hardcore sound? Perhaps. I can’t impede on a band’s notion to progress however and interested to see where this goes.

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