Daylight - Consequences (Song Review)
‘Consequences’ is a song coming to us all the way from Barcelona, Spain from pop-punkers Daylight. Their album One More Fight is set for release October 15, 2014. It took me a few listens to understand the words, accents of lead vocalists and twin brothers Olek and Wokej Burek are strong. However, that makes me dig this track that much more-it’s refreshing! It seems that many artists lose their accent when they sing, and it just sounds American and lame (coming from a lame American). There’s also definitely a strong influence of older pop-punk acts in their sound, take New Found Glory or Simple Plan for example, it’s really interesting to hear that sound and style once again after a few years. As far as I can tell the fans are loving it, and those are just the comments in English! Many are in Spanish and regrettably I never took a Spanish class ever (I took French though, because that is doing so much for me in my life), but from my very limited knowledge on the language, I think it’s pretty safe to say most comments were positive; I know enough to know what bueno means.
Rating 4/5- I have nothing bad to say about this song, if anything it takes me back to my middle and high school days when I was really into the (now) older pop-punk scene. Dare I say these boys are probably better than what we have going on over here. Definitely worth a listen! Don’t forget to pre-order your copy of One More Fight today!