Four Year Strong - Go Down In History (Album Review)
Go Down in History is the latest release from pop punkers Four Year Strong released June 22, 2014. Many people are pleased the boys are back, considering their last release was in November 2011! Needless to say, fans were and still are super stoked for this EP! All 5 tracks stay true to their pop/punk style that we’ve come to know and expect from them with catchy choruses and breakdowns. The rawness and roughness you can hear in frontman Alan Days voice just makes it all the better. There were two major tracks that really stood out to me; the opening track ‘What’s in the Box’ and closing track ‘So You’re Saying There’s a Chance...’ both of these songs embrace what pop/punk is, and many of the fans appreciate that.
Rating: 4/5: The album is wonderful, it was also great to hear something from these guys after almost nothing for close to three years! They haven’t strayed much from their sound, and the fans are more than happy. This on top of an awesome set on Warped, it’s safe to say that Four Year Strong is back and I can’t wait to see what the rest of 2014 holds for them.