Interview with William Control
Hello Im Janie of Music Mayhem, & Im here today with William Control.
1. You're currently on the "We Love Tour" with Combichrist, How is it going?
I love it, touring is very entertaining.
2. You recently released your new album "The Neuromancer", Where did you get the idea for the title of the album?
I got it from a William Gibson album, Called The Neuromancer.
3. Out of the 11 songs on the album, Which is the most meaningful to you & What inspired the lyrics to it?
The whole record is, If your not familiar with the story of William Control, its a concept album, A prelude to an album we did 5 years ago called "Hate Culture". So it kind of tells the story of where this album comes from, I couldnt choose just one song they're all meaningful to me.
4. What has been the fans reaction to the album thus far?
Positive feedback actually, People say its the best album I have done this far & of course theres a few negative things but they werent really that negative.
5. You've released a book titled "Revelator: Book One-The Neuromancer", Can we expect a book 2? if so when?
The book & the album are the same based off of each other, I actually wrote them together & yes you can expect a book 2 coming out in the summer or early fall.
6. You have written books, poems & music, do you prefer writing music or actually performing it?
Um, I love creating art & creating records, making somehting out of nothing its a great process really, But I also love playing on stage, I dont know if I prefer one over the other better they both are equally the same. I dont make art for critiques I dont really give a fuck what people think of what I create I dont write music to please anyone.
7. When William Control first started out what were some goals you wanted to accomplish?
Nothing actually, Which is precisely the opposite of my band Aiden which was all about togetherness, hope & unity, fighting against the man & being angry at religion & when i started William Control it was a stepping away process & literally not giving a fuck.
8. How has your music evolved since you first started creating music?
I dont know, like any evolution best trades of what you created & build upon that, leave the shit behind.
9. What musicians have inspired you?
When I was a kid, I listened to Nirvana alot, The Misfits, Elvis & Frank Sinatra.
10. How does it feel to know your music has potentially saved someones life?
Its very inspiring, I remember being a kid & music saving my life many of times, So its pretty rewarding ya know?
11. What is something your fans would be surprised to know about you?
12. Tell us some funny, creepy, or interesting fan experiences you have had?
Ugh, Theres just so many I dont know, I dont wanna call anyone out but let just say all of my fan experiences have been quite pleasant.
13. Any you want to tell your fans?
Check out and Buy the new record & Check out William Control if you havent already,
Thank you!!!