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Interview with American Diary!

American Diary

Interviewer: Raechel Francis - April 2014

First I'll introduce myself. This is Brandon Ingley. I sing and play the bass for American Diary. Im the only one answering the questions. Reeder and Ben are too busy making out in their speedo pajamas. I am highly offended because my birthday is tomorow but nooooo you only love Reeder (just kidding). Reeder will be turning the grey age of 64 in April. This is sad because he only has about 15 years left to live which is a very very sad thought. But yeah he's old and grey. I however am turning back into a teenager tomorrow. I will be turning the ripe fresh age of 19. (plus 11) on with the interview.

MM-Q1: What made you decide to get the band back together?

AD-A1: We have such a love for this band. We also have alot of hardache in the band. I think we just want to give ourselves and our fans what we all deserve. We spent a lot of years on this band and giving up and calling it quits seems so wasteful.

MM-Q2: On Your Facebook post announcing your return, you said Mikey will not be returning and you’re actively looking for his replacement, how’s that going?

AD-A2: Its going well. We have already found a member who has been writing with us. He's also in the local music scene and has been a fan of the band for years. It was an obvious choice if you ask me. We will release who he is when we have new pictures.

MM-Q3: With the Recher Theater gone, what other venues have you been looking into?

AD-A3: Ottobar, Soundstage, vfw halls. It's a shame Recher is gone. We wore that place in as much as we could thought and thats all there is to it. There are several venues to play still. We'll just leave that to the promoters and the fans.

MM-Q4: Do you think you’ll experiment with any other sounds/styles or remain the same American Diary we know today?

AD-Q4: It will sound like the same AD but way more fresh. We don't want to disappoint anyone, let alone ourselves. I'm sure we'll try new sounds and things in the studio as far as production is concerned but nothing cheesy and dance club esk.

MM-Q5: Many fans, myself included, are super stoked! Were you expecting such a warm welcome back?

AD-A5: Not at all. It felt great. Thank you!

MM-Q6: Many of your fans first began listening to you in middle/high school, now they’re in or have graduated college and even starting families of their own, has it felt like it’s been that long since you announced your ‘hiatus’?

AD-A6: It feels like too long. It's shocking. I'm out at bars and I awkwardly see people who I've given autographs to in my past and I'm like... WOAH weren't you 12 last time I saw you?!

MM-Q7: When can we plan on hearing some new tunes?

AD-A7: As soon as we can record. We want to get in the studio in April.

MM-Q8: You also mentioned releasing an entire album as opposed to an EP since you have so much material. Any ideas on a title yet? Potential release dates? Etc.

AD-A8: I wouldn't say we HAVE so much new material as much as we WANT to play as much new material as we can when we play shows again. And the best way to do that is to release a longer album, but no. No title or any idea of a release date.

MM-Q9: What’s the craziest thing that’s happened either before, during, or after a show in the past?

AD-A9: I'll keep this answer pg13 A couple of us brought some girls back home with us and ate shrooms. Had a crazy trip and ignored the girls. (they freaked out) it was hilarious.

MM-Q10: Years ago, you guys would stop at people’s houses to drop off tickets to shows (I remember my mom was very confused when Ben was on our doorstep). Will that continue or are you more wary of “creepers”?

AD-A10: We'll get tickets to people however we can. However, we will not stop by anybody's house who is underage.

MM-Q11: What’s a typical practice session like?

AD-A11: Usually everyone is late excpet for Ben because we practice at his house. We then make sure we have cold beer and we play a few old songs. Then someone will bring an idea to the table and we'll jam on the idea until we all love it.

MM-Q12: Who are your biggest influences; musically and/or personally?

AD-A12: This is the hardest question ever. For me its life in general .

MM-Q13: Your dream tour: which bands would be on the bill with you, and what would it be called? AD-A13: Our homeboys in All Time Low. Green Day, Third Eye Blind. It would be called the FUCKING FINALLY TOUR

MM-Q14: When can we expect to see some new, awesome merch?

AD-A14: At our first show!

MM-Q15: Any last words?

AD-A15: We really hope people continue to be as happy with our comeback as we are and enjoy the new music as much as they did back in the day. Our biggest thing is we want everyone to come back to our shows for whatever reason. We miss playing and seeing peoples faces more than anything. Follow American Diary on Facebook and twitter!

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